Empowering Young Entrepreneurs with AI
Artificial Intelligence (AI) and data usage, Entrepreneurial learning – entrepreneurship education, Youth employability
EYE4AI project will empower young entrepreneurs with the knowledge, skills, and
competencies to start and grow successful businesses using AI.
Create a network of young entrepreneurs, leaders, and ambassadors for knowledge
exchange, support, and collaboration in AI and entrepreneurship.
Foster cross-sectoral and transnational cooperation, facilitating the exchange of experiences.
Increase the capacity of partner organizations and raise awareness about the ethical and
effective use of AI.
to use AI models and tools in their business endeavors.
2. To equip potential young entrepreneurs with the entrepreneurial knowledge
and skills necessary to start a successful business.
3. To create a network of young entrepreneurs, leaders, and ambassadors for knowledge exchange, support, and collaboration in AI and entrepreneurship.
4. To foster cross-sectorial and transnational cooperation in the youth sector to promote innovation, competitiveness, and market access in AI.
5. To increase the capacity of partner organizations to support young entrepreneurs, leaders, and ambassadors in AI and entrepreneurship.
6. To raise awareness about the ethical and effective use of AI for young entrepreneurs.
1.E-learning Platform: Development of an accessible online learning environment focused on AI and entrepreneurship, offering training programs, digital libraries, and workshop materials for young entrepreneurs.
2.Digital Library: A comprehensive collection of AI resources, including best practices, case studies, and tools to support entrepreneurs in integrating AI into their businesses.
3.Network of Young Entrepreneurs: Creation of a cross-sectoral network of young entrepreneurs, leaders, and ambassadors for knowledge exchange and collaboration.
4.Training Programs: Pilot training sessions for young entrepreneurs, equipping them with AI skills and competencies to foster business growth and innovation.
5.Awareness Campaigns: Promotion of AI ethics, principles, and best practices to ensure responsible and effective use of AI technologies.
6.Policy & Guidelines: Development of policy recommendations and best practices for integrating AI into entrepreneurship education and practice.
7.Impact at Partner Organizations: Strengthened capacity of partner organizations to support young entrepreneurs in AI-driven business growth, enhancing their knowledge and skills.
Project Number: 2024-1-BG01-KA220-YOU-000249027
This project has been funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union. The information and views set out in this publication are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the official opinion of the European Union. Neither the European Union institutions and bodies nor any person acting on their behalf may be held responsible for the use which may be made of the information contained therein.