Project has started on 31. 10. 2020 and will finish on 30. 10. 2022.
Our Approach
1. Developing the capacity of mentors and adult educators by exchange of best practices in the fields of mentoring jobseekers and early school leavers, intergenerational knowledge sharing, online and blended learning mentoring, youth entrepreneurship and mentoring volunteers.
2. Improving mentoring skills and competences of non-formal and informal adult educators, training professionals and mentors to support adult learners.
3. Including low-skilled and low qualified people, vulnerable social groups, migrants, NEETs, etc., to go back to the labour market or to start their own business initiatives, by developing a Best Practice Guide, summarizing the exchanged practices.
4. Creating a network of professionals in the field of formal, non-formal and informal education, who are familiar with or interested in using mentoring for social change and life-long learning.
— project partners
— education providers
— small and micro-sized business and social entrepreneurs
— adult learners
- Six mentoring practices will be exchanged within the project regarding mentoring jobseekers and early school leavers, intergenerational knowledge sharing, online and blended learning mentoring, youth entrepreneurship and mentoring volunteers / CSR-driven mentoring
- Six three-days LTTAs will be organized in all partner countries
- Twelve internal educators (representatives of the partner organizations) and 36 external educators (from stakeholders, associate partners or other related organizations) will enrich their competences in the field of mentoring
- A Best Practice Guide, summarizing the exchanged mentoring practices, will be developed
- Six local dissemination events will be organized to present the Guide and the exchanged good practices to stakeholders, educators (teachers, trainers, tutors), who work in the field of activities and services. Small and micro-sized business and social entrepreneurs, who want to enrich their mentoring practices, public bodies, etc.
- Four Transnational Project Meetings will be organized and conducted
There SIX LTTA meetings altogether has been planified as below:
The first LTTA was organized in January 2021 and hosted by ICI & AILLEURS (France). The goals of the training event were to share mentoring practices related to mentoring job seekers and early school leavers, presenting the host’s experience with working with social counselors, discussing online mentoring tools used by the partner for its follow-up activities with their learners, and providing space or mutual learning and exchange of ideas and viewpoints on the topic: between adult educators, participating in the training.
The second LTTA, hosted by UPI (Slovenia), was organized in May 2021. The goals of the training event was to share a mentoring practice related to motivating (ex) entrepreneurs aged 50+ to enroll in mentor trainings and to become mentors to NEETs, presenting the host’s experience with intergenerational learning and knowledge exchange, and presenting good examples of intergenerational mentoring. The goals was also the improvement of the competences of adult educators, trainers and mentors in the areas of motivational literacy and effective use of innovative lifelong solutions and providing space for mutual learning and exchange of ideas and viewpoints on the topic, between adulteducators, participating in the training.
The third LTTA, hosted by STP CONSULTING, S.L (Spain), was held in July 2021 and focused on the following goals: sharing a mentoring practice related to Youth Entrepreneurship Mentoring Programme, presenting the host’s experience with mentoring in an entrepreneurship environment, discussing the two aspects of teaching mentoring (provision with necessary knowledge and skills to become mentors, and the use of mentoring to enhance entrepreneurs’ business skills), sharing successful Spanish business mentors experiences, and providing space for mutual learning and exchange of ideas and viewpoints on the topic, between adult educators, participating in the training.
The fourth LTTA took place in October 2021 and has been hosted by BUCOVINA INSTITUTE (Romania). The training event focused on four main goals. The first goal was to share a mentoring practice related to the use of mentoring for social inclusion of vulnerable people. The second goal was to present Bucovina’s experience with community developed mentoring and training community champions. The third goal presented the developed online tools and learning platform for online and blended learning mentoring in support of NEETs. The last goal of the training meeting was to provide space for mutual learning and exchange of ideas and viewpoints on the topic, between adult educators, participating in the training.
The fifth LTTA, hosted by EDF (Bulgaria), has been organized in February 2022.
This partner of the programme has focused on achieving five different goals. The first goal was to share a mentoring practice related to: Mentoring Volunteers / CSR-driven mentoring. The next goal focused on discussion of the two aspects of volunteering – being a volunteer and working with volunteers. The third goal turned to EDF’s experience with volunteering and how to motivate volunteers to share their experience and become mentors. The fourth goal dedicated on sharing good Bulgarian practices of CSR-driven mentoring, and the last goal of the fifth LTTA was to provide space for mutual learning and exchange of ideas and viewpoints on the topic, between adult educators, participating in the training.
The last LTTA will be organized in April 2022 and hosted by SFE CEFEC (Belgium). The goals of the last training event are to share a mentoring practice related to: Professional mentoring for social business start-ups and social enterprises using blended learning methodologies; presenting CEFEC’s experience with using Moodle-based platforms for providing blended mentoring, and introducing participants to specific tools like progress reports, risk management charts and individual mentoring forms for supporting mentors and mentees in the process.
During the sixth LTTA, the participants will exhange the challenges in providing mentoring of mentors and professionals to support mentees on the apprenticeship learning stage and the last goal, being the same as in all the previous meetings, is to provide space for mutual learning and exchange of ideas and viewpoints on the topic, between adult educators, participating in the training.
Take a look to the website:
Please find below the M-Learn Guide that we finalized with the consortium of partners and where you will find all the best practices and models for mentoring social change and life-long learning which have been explained with concrete examples.
Upload below in free access:
MLearn Best Practices Guide_FINAL
Project Number: 2020-1-FR01-KA204-079933
This project has been funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union. The information and views set out in this publication are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the official opinion of the European Union. Neither the European Union institutions and bodies nor any person acting on their behalf may be held responsible for the use which may be made of the information contained therein.