ELIS- Empowering Educators and Families for LGBTIQ+ Inclusive Support- Project Reveal

On the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, we would like to draw your attention to a different and less discussed type of discrimination – that experienced by people who self-identify as LGBTIQ+.

Across Europe, LGBT people face a wide range of difficulties in exercising their fundamental rights and are discriminated in different areas of life, especially in employment and education. Many have also been victims of violence and harassment, a large number of whom have not been reported due to fears of discrimination by the authorities.

In the context of this situation, a new project was established- ELIS- Empowering Educators and Families for LGBTIQ+ Inclusive Support.

The project partners- Edukaciniai Projektai, European Development Foundation and Modurmal samtok um Russneskt tvityngi, will work with the main aim of creating an inclusive environment where children with different sexual orientation and/or gender identity feel safe, respected and have the opportunity to develop.

The project aims to provide important support to teachers and parents who are looking after LGBTIQ+ children by offering resources, training and a supportive community for the adults responsible for their welfare. Addressing this issue is critical in the project countries, and in Europe as a whole.

Stay tuned- more information about project activities, is coming soon!

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