

Empowering educators and families for lgbtiq+ inclusive support

Our Guidelines for Teachers on LGBTIQ+ inclusion are now available!


The ELIS project aims to foster inclusion and create supportive environments at home, in schools, and communities for children and youth of all sexual orientations and gender identities. It focuses on equipping teachers, parents, and communities with tools and resources to support LGBTIQ+ individuals, ensuring they feel safe, respected, and empowered to thrive.


Through ELIS, we aim to:

1. Empower Educators: Equip teachers with educational resources to raise awareness and improve understanding of LGBTIQ+ topics in schools.

2. Support Families: Develop materials to encourage positive parenting practices that foster acceptance and respect.

3. Provide Training: Pilot training programs for both educators and parents, ensuring our materials are practical and impactful.

4. Exchange Best Practices: Facilitate cross-border learning and collaboration between partner countries and organizations.

5. Build Capacity: Strengthen the ability of partner organizations to address LGBTIQ+ issues and develop expertise in creating inclusive environments.


The ELIS project aims to deliver the following tangible results:

1. Guidelines for Teachers: A comprehensive guide for educators on supporting LGBTIQ+ students, ensuring safe and inclusive classroom environments.

2. Educational Resources for Teachers: At least 2 handouts and 2 videos designed for classroom use to foster diversity and inclusion.

3. Educational Resources for Parents: A handbook, glossary, Q&A, and 2 videos to support positive parenting practices and understanding of LGBTIQ+ issues.

4. Workshops: At least 3 workshops with 20+ participants to test and refine the developed materials in practical educational settings.

5. Events: At least 3 dissemination events in each partner country to present project materials to professional communities.

6. Communication Campaigns: A series of activities to promote the project materials and engage stakeholders widely.

7. Transnational Meetings: Two meetings to ensure collaboration, progress monitoring, and knowledge exchange among partners.


Expected Impact

The ELIS project will have a significant impact on various levels:

🌈 For Teachers: Improved understanding of LGBTIQ+ issues and practical tools to foster inclusivity in classrooms.

🌟 For Parents: Enhanced awareness and resources to support their children’s identity and rights positively.

📚 For LGBTIQ+ Students: Safer, more inclusive learning environments and better support from key adults in their lives.

🤝 For Partner Organizations: Strengthened capacity to address LGBTIQ+ issues and promote diversity effectively.

📢 For Communities: Greater awareness and acceptance of diversity, fostering respect for human rights and equality.

Project Number: KA210-SCH-965F05E7

This project has been funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union. The information and views set out in this publication are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the official opinion of the European Union. Neither the European Union institutions and bodies nor any person acting on their behalf may be held responsible for the use which may be made of the information contained therein.