We are very excited to announce that on 24.11.2023 the partners of the MoMs project- MoMs Mother Matters: the right of women with disabilities to motherhood- under the Erasmus+ KA220-ADU program – Partnerships for Cooperation in Adult Education, gathered for their first online project meeting.
The meeting was dedicated to an overview of the project activities.
The project aims to spread awareness of motherhood for women with disabilities among professionals and people with disabilities themselves. MoMs project promotes the competences/skills of the two groups to fill the communication and knowledge gap at the national and European levels.
The project objectives are:
– a framework about motherhood for women with disabilities in each partner country;
– an accessible website;
– self-assessment tool for professionals;
– forum for PwDs;
– Informative Pills for PwDs, tranlsated in Sign Languages;
– Informative Pills for professionals in healthcare centers and education;
– LTTA in Sevilla: training for educators and women with disabilities.
The target groups were also reviewed- the project will mainly address women with disabilities that will be able to inform themselves about pregnancy and their right (in particular article 23 of the UN Convention) and professionals that may deal with women or mother with disabilities.
Considering the social problematics, discussed in the project, it will also reach a number of indirect target groups, such as families (parents especially) of women with disabilities, young university students in the fields of pedagogy, psychology and medicine, as well as social organizations cooperating with the project partners on a daily basis.
The EDF team is ready for work and believes that, with a common effort, the challenges, faced by women with disabilities, will gain wide public exposure and as a outcome they will be accepted as fully participating members of society.
Stay tuned for news from our next meeting!
#erasmusplus #disabilityisnotinability #motherhood #motherwithdisabilities #inclusion