New Project is here! MoMs- Mother Matters

The emerging necessity of Europe to face issues around the emotional and relational aspects of disability is a difficult topic to treat and to foster across the society.

Sensibilize professionals, educators, families and in general all people, about the misconception of the skills of people with disabilities is the first step in order to improve social life, promote real inclusion and respect all people.

In this context was launched the new project MoMs- Mother Matters: the right of women with disabilities to motherhood- under the Erasmus+ programme KA220-ADU- Partnerships for Cooperation in Adult Education, where EDF has the opportunity to participate and be an ambassador of good practices and collaboration in the process of implementation of the program.

The project aims to spread awareness of motherhood for women with disabilities among professionals and people with disabilities themselves. MoMs project promotes the competences/skills of the two groups to fill the communication and knowledge gap at the national and European levels.

There are still many prejudices related to the world of disability, in particular when we talk about relationships, sexual needs or parenthood of people with disabilities. It is still a delicate issue in general, little explored, and the tendency is to have many prejudices as well as generalize without knowing. There are many disabled women who are advised against becoming a mother and who feel judged on a daily basis for their need to have a family…

Within the 2-year project period, EDF and the partners from Italy- Istituto dei Sordi di Torino, Spain- Let her in and COCEMFE, and Cyprus- Citizens in Power, will carry out a review about the knowledge on motherhood of women with disabilities among professionals and people with disabilities. Informative and accessible materials will be developed for people with disabilities, their family members and professionals (educators and health professionals), and training will be provided to achieve the necessary competencies. Simultaneously, MoMs project will carry out a sustained awareness campaign to generate critical mass in Europe and promote the use of best practices. The partners under the project want to support and motivate a networking environment and involve all the possible figures that in any way deal with people with disabilities.

The EDF team is encouraged that the message of this project can be globalized and women with disabilities will have their birthright to be mothers-without social prejudice and moral exclusion.

#erasmusplus #disabilityisnotinability #motherhood #motherwithdisabilities #inclusion

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